Tuesday, June 8, 2010

tahong tonight

i often make tahong (mussels) for dinner because they're easy to defrost. cooking it the traditional way, or should i say the way i learned to cook it at home, i put in a little twist. i add in a different spice each time. tonight it was basil (found out it doesn't go well with the ampalaya leaves). the extra shrimp also wasn't a bad idea although it didn't add much to the taste since it has been shelled and headless. i prefer the head-on shrimp for a really tasty soup....

last time it was just the traditional sautee with ginger, garlic, tomato and some green onions plus lime leaves! add the mussels, patis (fish sauce), spinach leaves and some green chilies--that was yumm (at least the friends loved it). i think i learned what not to do tonight :)