one of the things i miss from manila are fresh coconuts peeled and prepared by coconut vendors on the spot. 'manong tindero' (manong - older brother, tindero - vendor) will carefully choose the best one among hundreds on his cart. he will flick his finger on the coconut and listen for the hollowness to tell whether the flesh is thick or thin or if it contains plenty of juice or not. this skill is important since the buyer will usually ask for whether she wants something for snack, to put on a salad, or prefer the thin soft coconut flesh just like i do.
so anyway i have tried a variety of coconuts imported to salt lake city, fresh and canned; i tried this frozen young coconut today though and it was sweet enough for me (at least better than others i've tried). the label says its juice is 100% coconut juice.
it's a good dessert or snack :)
frozen young coconut