Tuesday, May 18, 2010

matsu sushi (japanese)

ever craved for a rockstar or a playboy? try matsu sushi, and you will... of all the restaurants i go to i wonder why not so many people come here compared to others. the price is comparable to other japanese, and the lunch bento (or combo meal) is simply superb in the value vs. price category! you know that their vegetable tempura's were carefully cut and prepared by good chefs. (i had been to some japanese restaurants where it seems like they just threw in and cut whatever veggies were in their kitchen). they're just the right size and crunch, not soggy nor too oily, and i can say the same about their shrimp tempura's, sushi, and entree's (except for one time i ordered a to go and the rice was flooded w/ teriyaki sauce). i also tried another japanese resto that had all-you-can-eat that was cheaper, matsu's is only $5 more, but don't save on that price difference, you'll get a lot more in taste and satisfaction; every sushi i have had in this place has been consistent. i've also been to a much more expensive japanese resto in town, nope, you don't need to spend the extra dollars for a good japanese meal or dining experience. if ever you go for lunch, try the bento or luxury bento. for all-you-can-eat sushi, try playboy and las vegas.

info: Matsu Sushi Grill, 4760 South 900 East
service: professional and friendly, the servers wear black uniform

ambience/location: the building has nice architecture, there is some kind of open attic-like area, a small fireplace area, or you can dine outside right by a flowing river =)

would i go back: YES! best value vs. price among japanese resto's (highly recommended!)

others: this place is good for casual/business/formal (at night) dining experience. if you want good ambience for your date, request to sit by the fireplace.

website: http://matsusushigrill.com/ (some prices are not updated, they're $1 or 2 more)

Saturday, May 15, 2010

for coconut lovers!

one of the things i miss from manila are fresh coconuts peeled and prepared by coconut vendors on the spot. 'manong tindero' (manong - older brother, tindero - vendor) will carefully choose the best one among hundreds on his cart. he will flick his finger on the coconut and listen for the hollowness to tell whether the flesh is thick or thin or if it contains plenty of juice or not. this skill is important since the buyer will usually ask for whether she wants something for snack, to put on a salad, or prefer the thin soft coconut flesh just like i do.

so anyway i have tried a variety of coconuts imported to salt lake city, fresh and canned; i tried this frozen young coconut today though and it was sweet enough for me (at least better than others i've tried). the label says its juice is 100% coconut juice.

it's a good dessert or snack :)

frozen young coconut

tandoor all-you-can-eat buffet (indian)

such a happy thing to discover this indian buffet, for $10 it was well worth all you can eat. i've been there for dinner and although the food was great (i had lamb curry), you don't need to have their more expensive items to truly get a taste of what they have (but recommended if you're in for a good restaurant dinner).

as you stand to take your first plate they prepare for you this garlic naan, and although i have tasted only a few naan's before, this one was exceptional, something to go back for! there's something about the roasted fresh garlic and some mild herb, this one alone is meal!

they offer much more dishes than what i have in my plate, but i really like the chicken tikka masala (orange thing), so i didn't bother for more. they offer vegetarian and some chicken dishes.

this resto surely doesn't water down their recipe, this mango ice cream dessert is made of fresh mango, very thick and very rich! yummm ... surely this isn't powdered mango folks, this is the real thing. oh by the way, they change their lunch menu everyday so i can't promise you'll find this thing when you get there!

an indian guy i know said that in india, they eat natural food and you always know what you're taking in, unlike in america foods are processed and you have to read the label to know what's in it :)

lamb curry

info: Tandoor Indian Grill, 3300S 733E, Salt Lake City
service: friendly, the servers are dressed casually (no uniform)
ambience/location: there is some effort on design but they could use some professional help
would i go back: YES! on lunchtime. it's all about the food--value for the price!
others: this place is good for casual/business dining experience.